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类别:动态资讯 | 2020-06-19 | CLICK:752

今天上午,9570官方金沙入口会员登录受邀在CPhI全球线上展览活动会上发表了首次全球全英文直播演讲——《Botanical Ingredients for Your Wellbeing During Pandemic》。






During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing booming business in some sectors of the health supplement industry.  Overall, we observed soaring inquiries on ingredients related to the following health claims: antiviral, immunity, weight management,  anxiety relief and vision health.

In the following slides, we will be going through each one of them. We hope our insights could help domestic and overseas customers make informed decisions in this volatile market.

Multiple studies have pointed to green tea, especially its catechines’ potential benefits in preventing influenza. A 2016 review concluded that catechines and EGCG may inhibit influenza A and B infections.  Skyherb prides itself in being the 2nd-largest producer of green tea extracts. We supply a full range of green tea extracts with catechines and EGCG, which have been widely recognized in the studies.  In addition to the conventional extracts, we also have:

Catechines98%, with 18% more catchines than the regularly available green tea extract inthe market. Catechines80% with EGCG 60%, with 10% more EGCG than the regular products.

These green tea extracts allow our customers bring in more catechines and EGCG perserving,  which may translate into lower production cost and higher customer appeal.

Ginseng has long been used as a supplement to boost immunity.  Again, its efficacy has been studied and confirmed in multiple essays.  A latest review published on Trends in Food Science and Technology concluded that ginseng modulated immune function of our body to prevent disease.  Since the out break of COVID-19, we have also observed a strong demand for ginsengextracts.  We see 3 challenges with the product:

1 origin. Economically-driven adulteration is still rampant in the market, leaving our customers’ products vulnerable to risks.

2 flavor impact: the earthly and leafy flavor of a ginseng extract sometimes limit our customers’ options in product development.

3 Ginseng is a pesticide-riddenmaterial,   and its extracts sometimes carry extraordinarily high pesticide residue.

Thanks to our dedicated team, Skyherb is now in a good position to provide ID-guaranteed, pesticide-free ginseng extract with little flavor impact. Our full spectrum of ginseng extracts covers ginsenosides from 1% all the way to 40%.


Last but not least, the new online learning and working pattern  leads to extended screen time that will strain our eyes, Indeed, the transition to e-learning and working during COVID-19 social distancing measures makes eye health formulations for people of all ages. Bilberry has long been proved to help protection our vision health,and it is still being studied by researchers now, as shown in a 2020 essay from Nutrients.   Our edge with this classical ingredient is our scale and cost.  Thanks to our close relationship with our partners in Europe, we are able to accommodate both the 25% and 36% grade, at a competitive price while securing stable supply.

Thank you for your time! 



